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News24 | South Africa records first case of Mpox since August 2022

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Top Stories Tamfitronics The closing reported cases of monkey pox in South Africa had been recorded in August 2022. (Tatiana Buzmakova/Getty Images)

The closing reported cases of monkey pox in South Africa had been recorded in August 2022. (Tatiana Buzmakova/Getty Images)

South Africa has recorded its first laboratory-confirmed case of Mpox since August 2022.

The Division of Health on Monday acknowledged a 35-365 days-frail man, residing in Gauteng, examined definite for the infectious illness on 9 Also can 2024.

“The case changed into first examined by Lancet Laboratory, which changed into later confirmed by the Nationwide Institute for Communicable Diseases, which straight notified the division,” acknowledged division spokesperson Foster Mohale.

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