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    • FInima Community

      The Finima people are part of the Ibani ethnic nationality of Bonny Kingdom, being one the aboriginal founding royal families [Duawaris] of the kingdom.

      The Ancestors of the Buoye Omuso Brown House are the founders of Finima and the first arrivals in Bonny Island.

      Buoye Omuso Brown House (BOBH) family constitute 99% of Finima indigenes, who can trace their roots to BOBH including the Adum (Tamunobere), Attoni and Tobin. Actually, the Adum (Tamunobere), Attoni and Tobins are offshoots or minor Houses/ family groups from the BOBH.

      Bonny Island has five Duawaris (lit. ancestral royal houses). All represent the founding generation of the kingdom. These are:

      The Buoye-Omuso Brown House (Kongo lineage)
      The Bristol-Alagbariye House
      The Halliday-Awusa House
      The Dublin Green House (Lala, Ebie, Asimini-Oruakpa lineages)
      The Oruasawo Tolofari House (Kumaluya-Ndende, Omuigbem lineages)
      These houses are known as having their individual ancestral headquarters. The Kongo lineage, for example, established Ikpapkayo (or, as it is known today, Finima).

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