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The ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) has reacted to the contemporary assembly by outdated presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Event (PDP), Atiku Abubakar, and Labour Event’s Peter Obi.

In an announcement by its spokesperson Felix Morka on Tuesday evening, the APC described Atiku and Obi as desperate along with that the duo can now not be depended on with energy.

The APC famend that it became now not drastically bowled over by the contemporary alliance between Atiku and Obi along with that the duo have a be conscious file of being “political wanderers”.

The celebration urged Nigerians to augment the Bola Tinubu administration in its dedication to rescue Nigeria and space the country on a route of business vogue.

The assertion reads: “A contemporary talk over with by the presidential candidate of the Labour Event (LP) within the 2023 presidential election, Peter Obi, to his Peoples Democratic Event (PDP) counterpart, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, has fueled speculations of a probable alliance between both men or merger of their political occasions within the lead up to 2027.

“What’s unclear, on the other hand, is whether or now not Obi would imprint a comeback to Atiku’s PDP or whether or now not Atiku would dump his PDP and seek rehabilitation in Obi’s Labour Event or whether or now not both men would abandon PDP and Labour, altogether, and sojourn into the political wasteland of Professor Pat Utomi’s mega celebration.

“News of Peter Obi’s return to the PDP might maybe per chance well be incessantly fine. His recognition as a political wayfarer is finest dwarfed by Atiku’s be conscious file as a passe political wanderer. News of Atiku joining the Labour celebration will shock nobody as he will be living up to his effectively established recognition as the country’s most itinerant flesh presser. For now, Utomi’s mega celebration remains a figment without a offering of steady lodging for both men.

“Atiku and Obi are united by their mutual desperation to be President of Nigeria and ignoble disdain for President Bola Tinubu’s centered and unheard of dedication to the transformation of our nation. Their stressed waft in quest of convenient celebration platforms to enact their presidential speed finest belie the self-indulgent and opportunistic essence of their aspirations. Males with out the staying energy to assemble or fix their very indulge in occasions, who fly on the slightest flicker of inner crisis can now not presumably be depended on by Nigerians to care for extreme and intricate national political and financial challenges that confront our nation.

“President Bola Tinubu embodies personality, vision, tenacity and doggedness required to ship a resurgent Nigeria of stable growth and vogue. The administration’s audacious financial protection reforms and huge infrastructural uptake have already shattered ancient boundaries to growth, and paved the manner for steady growth and vogue.

“We bustle Nigerians to stand mercurial in their worthwhile make stronger of our unparalleled Event and President Bola Tinubu’s determined dedication to ship a stronger, uncover and extra prosperous country for us all.”