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Thursday evening news briefing: Sunak going through Tory MP exodus

Top Stories Tamfitronics

Ethical evening. Josh right here to take you during the latest from the first day of the typical election campaign.

Rishi Sunak goes through a rising exodus of Tory MPs after a further four announced that they would stand down. Meanwhile, senior Tories grasp tried to pile stress on Sir Keir Starmer to agree to weekly TV debates.

In completely different locations in at the new time’s newsletter, a 64-365 days-frail man from Essex has been charged with spying for Russia.

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Top Stories Tamfitronics Sunak going through Tory MP exodus as four step down after election announcement

Earlier than the announcement, 65 Tory MPs had declared that they would now not be standing, and 4 more grasp since talked about they’ll additionally be stepping down. Be conscious dwell updates right here.

Earlier at the new time, The Telegraph published that the Tory election campaign is now not easy Sir Keir Starmer to a file six TV debates as they’re trying and reward Labour has no conception for the country.

Claire Coutinho, the Energy Security and Obtain Zero Secretary, claimed Sir Keir and Labour wished to “skate through” the election campaign while Richard Holden, the chairman of the Conservative Occasion, echoed a identical sentiment.

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Top Stories Tamfitronics Essex man charged with spying for Russia

Howard Michael Phillips from Harlow turned into once charged at the new time with an offence contrary to allotment 3 of the National Security Act in the case of Russia.

A Scotland Yard spokesman talked about: “On Would possibly also 16, a 64-365 days-frail man turned into once arrested in central London. He turned into once arrested and detained below allotment 27 of the National Security Act (NSA), 2023.”

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