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Greg Gutfeld Welcomes Bill Maher to Fox News With Cringey ‘I’m Sorry’ Song

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Fox News host Greg Gutfeld wanted to let Bill Maher know he became “so sorry” on Monday night time—in the ticket of an off-key satirical tune. Hilarity did no longer ensue.

While making the media rounds to promote his most up-to-date e book (which is absolutely keen a roundup of his approved editorials from his long-working HBO series Proper Time), Maher made his debut on Fox News’ Gutfeld! on Monday evening.

As soon as a approved villain in the Fox universe, Maher has change into the community’s approved “liberal” in most up-to-date years as he’s change into an outspoken critic of innovative insurance policies and all issues “woke.” This has also resulted in Maher and Gutfeld forming something of a mutual admiration society, bonding over their anti-woke expertise and disgust of so-called demolish custom.

“There’s a brand contemporary king of unhurried night time, and his name is Greg Gutfeld,” Maher gushed after Gutfeld launched his weeknight “comedy” present in 2021. The 2 would then smoke some weed and shoot the poke on Maher’s podcast final yr.

After delivering his opening present monologue on Monday night time, which included Maher jokingly asking when the loads of company would be allowed to chat, Gutfeld segued into introducing the Proper Time host to his program. Which, for some reason, also featured the Fox megastar making a sexually explicit laughable story about an 81-yr-aged host of The Behold.

“You are going to be very lonely while you wish to possess every person to have confidence you, which explains why Pleasure Behar goes by three vibrators a month,” Gutfeld quipped to groans and cheers. “This incessantly is the correct time for a tune.”

Sung purposely out of tune, the farcical jingle played over a montage of images of a joyous Maher and Gutfeld while the lyrics begged the HBO comedian for forgiveness for his or her previous disagreements.

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Bill Maher,” the singers warbled. “Stupidly, I didn’t uncover that we agree. The kind of shock that we shared the the same philosophy!”

The tune went on to expose that the pair had figured out “swish alignment” while reiterating that Gutfeld became “sorry” in a “heartfelt methodology.”

For the length of the leisure of the episode, Maher infrequently clashed with the Fox News host over some matters, particularly over their disagreements on Donald Trump.

At one point, Maher mocked Gutfeld for being unaware that Trump has sued him in the previous. “You’re in the information?” Maher incredulously requested.

Yet, for basically the most part, the 2 perceived to search out neatly-liked floor on what they felt became basically the most pressing explain at hand: wokeness.

“Liberalism will not be any longer the the same component as woke,” Maher grumbled. “Woke would ought to verbalize they’re an extension of liberalism. I’m an aged-college liberal, they’re no longer. It’s very on the total the reverse.”

As for the cringeworthy Maher tune, this wasn’t the first time Gutfeld has trotted it out for a Fox News bogeyman-turned-ally on the keen-wing community. After Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) took heavy criticism from progressives for his unequivocal knowledgeable-Israel stance on the warfare in Gaza, Gutfeld aired the the same tune (with Fetterman-centric lyrics) for the length of a December broadcast.

“We’re so sorry, John Fetterman,” the Gutfeld! choir sang. “We’ve made relaxing of you for months, we actually feel ashamed. We’re so sorry, John Fetterman. However we’ve seen the mild, and so tonight we wanna reward your name. Oh, John Fetterman, you’re so worthy smarter than most Dems in Washington. It’s keen, we’re sorry.”


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