Governor Umar Namadi

Governor Umar Namadi of Jigawa Teach has introduced N1 million for pilgrims from the speak aspiring to cross to the Hajj.

The announcement changed into made public by Murtala Usman, the spokesperson of the Jigawa Pilgrims Welfare Board, on Monday.

Usman talked about the subsidy applies to intending pilgrims from Jigawa who had already made their deposits for the pilgrimage to Mecca in the upcoming 2024 Hajj pronounce.

With this subsidy, each and each intending pilgrim must now pay roughly N900,000, greatly lower than the initial amount.

“From the initial, the NAHCON dispensed 1,518 seats for Jigawa Teach, however finest 1,260 seats were provided to intending pilgrims and completed their payment.

“The subsidy gesture introduced by the governor is efficient on folks that own deposited their amount sooner than the unexpected expand of N1.9 million Hajj fare expand by the National Hajj Price of Nigeria, “he talked about.

NAHCON dispensed 1,518 seats for Jigawa Teach, with finest 1,260 seats being provided to intending pilgrims who completed their payments.

The governor’s subsidy applies to folks that deposited their amounts sooner than the unexpected expand of N1.9 million in the Hajj fare by NAHCON.

NAHCON had raised the Hajj charges, citing adjustments in the international change payment.

The expand triggered roughly 49,000 pilgrims who had paid the former expenses of N4.9 million each and each to pay a further N1.9 million each and each sooner than March 28. Additionally, the brand new registration rate changed into speak at N8.5 million.