Science & Technology

International and Space Law

International and Space Law

NASA Space Technology

NASA Space Technology The headshot image of NASA


Jul 09, 2024

The International and Space Law Practice Group (ISLPG) is responsible for providing legal advice and counsel regarding international matters at Headquarters and all NASA Centers. Some of the legal issues for which ISLPG is responsible include: international law, including space law; domestic law which may impact NASA’s international cooperation; issues involving the United Nations or other multilateral organizations; international trade; telecommunications and use of the radiofrequency spectrum; international aspects of commercialization; export control; and national security. ISLPG advises on negotiating, drafting, executing, and interpreting agreements, understandings, treaties and exchanges with all types of foreign entities (both commercial and governmental), including international organizations.

Associate General Counsel:
Rebecca Bresnik

Attorney Staff:
David Balajthy
Bryan Diederich
David Lopez
Steven Mirmina
Brian Wessel

Headquarters OGC Organization
OGC Leadership Directory— Contact Information for the Headquarters Leadership and Center Chief Counsels

OGC Disclaimer: The materials within this website do not constitute legal advice. For details read ourdisclaimer.

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