Science & Technology

Deadlier Than Nukes? US, China Escape For “Inevitable” AI Drone Swarms To Prepare For “Contemporary” War

Deadlier Than Nukes? US, China Escape For “Inevitable” AI Drone Swarms To Prepare For “Contemporary” War

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Movies /Deadlier Than Nukes? US, China Escape For “Inevitable” AI Drone Swarms To Prepare For “Contemporary” War

Final Updated: April 14, 2024, 12:20 AM IST


US and Chinese military planners are gearing up for a new extra or much less warfare with drones geared up with artificial intelligence (AI). The field’s most efficient AI superpowers are engaged in an palms bustle for swarming drones that’s paying homage to the Frigid Battle. Nonetheless, experts mutter drone technology will be a long way extra complicated to have confidence than nuclear weapons. The field militaries are planning squadrons of air and sea drones geared up with artificial intelligence that would possibly presumably work collectively love a swarm of bees. Consultants mutter it would possibly presumably perhaps be straightforward and low-cost for countries to model their very have confidence fleets of killer robots since application drives the drones’ swarming skills. Analysts also mutter the unchecked unfold of swarm technology “would possibly presumably perhaps also lead to extra instability and warfare round the arena”.

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